The Carrot Song comes back

Hello Beautiful People,

Since releasing the EP, it's been busy around here at Jonah HQ. Annie and I have been playing a lot of duo shows, and we've been traveling during the summer: Chicago (my hometown), the Oregon Coast, Seattle, etc. We recently played up at the Green Frog in Bellingham, WA and had a blast.

At some of our duo shows, I've been pulling out a song to play that I haven't played in years: The Carrot Song. It's a song that I wrote in college when I was in love with Annie and she didn't know it yet.

I wrote the song by looking up the Wikipedia article for Carrot and distilling what I had learned. It's a very silly and playful song, and I think I didn't play it for a long time because I was embarrassed about it.

I realized the other week that apart from some kind fan going by "qwertyqazz3601" on YouTube who uploaded a video of the song back in 2010, there was no way for people to get the original recording I did of the Carrot Song.

I decided to fix that. Now, you can own The Carrot Song for yourself! Check it out below:

Hope you like it!
