Happy New Year! + New Live Video

Hey Beautiful people,

Happy New Year!
I know, it's almost February. But better late than never right?!

2014 was a good year, but maybe you noticed it was a little quiet on the music front? We played some fun shows in Portland and even got out to Bend and Hood River in Oregon. But overall my time was taken by some other projects - you know, the ones that pay the bills.

2015 is another year, and a chance to make a change. I'm devoting half of all my working hours to music after April 2015, which is going to be awesome. And I'm putting it out into the universe through this email so that you guys, the 100 or so people who read these emails, will hold me to it!

We kicked off 2015 with a fun Tiny Desk Contest video, check it out here. (More info on the video below)

So what have we got in store for you in 2015?

  • An EP in May!
  • Pacific Northwest Touring after May
  • Maybe another EP in October?
  • A Kick-Ass Music Video
  • More videos
  • Free Songs on the Internet!

What would you like to see me and the band do in 2015? 

Tiny Desk Video:

We had the great pleasure of creating this live video for the NPR Tiny Desk Contest! It was a joy to make and we hope you enjoy it: watch it here!

That is all for now. Hoping your 2015 will be fun and prosperous.
